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VBE_Extras - privacy policy

Last updated: 20th June 2024


This Privacy Notice explains the types of personal data We may collect about you when you interact with Us, how We will store and handle the data and keep it safe. We will probably need to update this from time to time, so please check back as often as you like.


Please note that this is the privacy policy for the VBE_Extras application. The privacy policy for The VBA Help website is available here.


About us


For simplicity throughout this notice, ‘We’ and ‘Us’ means The VBA Help. The VBA Help is John Mallinson.


What data do we collect?


If you purchase a licence for VBE_Extras, we will store your name, email address, transaction date/time, transaction ID, amount paid, type of licence and your 'licence ID' (an encrypted version of your username) for 28 days. This is to assist with licence installation help requests and refunds.


Following this period, we will store the transaction date/time, transaction ID, amount paid and type of licence. This is for tax purposes.


The VBE_Extras application itself does not store any of your personal information nor does it transmit your personal information over the internet or over any other form of communication.


Legal basis for processing data


The law sets out a number of different reasons for which We may collect and process your personal data, including:

  • To fulfil contractual obligations eg We will store details of the purchase of a licence, as noted in the 'What data do we collect?' section, above

  • For legal compliance eg so that We can demonstrate We are complying with local tax regulations, as noted in the 'What data do we collect?' section, above


Who do we share data with?


We never share your data with anyone.


How long will we keep the data?


We will only keep it for as long as is necessary for legal and contractual obligations. For further details, please see the 'What data do we collect?' section above.


What are your data rights, and how can you complain?


  • You can ask to see what information We are holding about you

  • You can ask Us to correct any incorrect information

  • If you've given consent for Us to use your data, you can change your mind at any time

  • You can contact Us to request to exercise these rights at any time, or complain about how We are using your data, by emailing

  • You can also complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you are unhappy with how We have used your data:


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane






ICO website:


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