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Download VBE_Extras


Released 1st July 2024, the latest version of VBE_Extras is - to download, click


How to install VBE_Extras


Once downloaded to your device (the download is a .zip file), extract the VBE_Extras_Setup.exe file. Follow the steps in 'Is VBE_Extras safe?', below, if want to be confident that it is not going to do anything malicious to your device. Note that VBE_Extras does not require administrative privileges to install and is always installed per user (not per device).


Then double-click the VBE_Extras_Setup.exe file and the installation wizard will guide you through the rest of the installation process. Note that double-clicking the VBE_Extras_Setup.exe file may, depending on your anti-virus settings, trigger a 'Windows protected your PC' dialog ... if so, click on 'More info' to confirm that you are running the VBE_Extras setup file and that the publisher is John Mallinson (i.e. me!).


Once installed, start the VBE within Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint or Access where you will see a new 'Extras' item in the main VBE menu. Other context menu items are added to the Code window, Project window, Immediate window and UserForm Control window as well as a Toolbar.


If you have problems with installation, see the installation troubleshooting section of the VBE_Extras guide, available on the VBE_Extras help page. If you still have problems, contact me:


Manual install (without the need to run a .exe installer file) is now available


As of December 2023, VBE_Extras can be installed manually without the need to run a .exe installer, for example if your device cannot run installation files for security reasons or if you just want more visibility and control over what happens during the install. Manual install is initially in a trial phase. Please contact me at if you are interested.


Note that the manual install process requires using either .reg files, the RegEdit tool and/or the RegAsm tool to add keys/values to the registry.


VBE_Extras helper


To download VBE_Extras Helper, click VBE_Extras VBE_Extras Helper is a standard AddIn for Excel and should be installed in the same way as any other Excel AddIn ... if you need detailed installation instructions, see my Installing and Updating AddIns blog post. VBE_Extras Helper requires VBE_Extras version or greater.


Click here to go back to the VBE_Extras main page


Is VBE_Extras safe?


Absolutely it is. But I would say that, wouldn't I?! So, if you don't trust me:


  • Trust Jotti - once you have downloaded and unzipped the .zip file, submit the .exe to Jotti at and have 14 separate anti-virus apps scan VBE_Extras for you. Here's a screenshot of the results when I did that recently:

jotti 240517.png
  • Trust your own anti-virus app - once you have download the .zip file, use your anti-virus app to test the .zip file - the exact process will depend on the specific AV app that you use but you should be able to right click on the .zip file and select an option to scan the file (eg 'Scan with Microsoft Defender' if using Microsoft Defender). Then, unzip and repeat the scan on the VBE_Extras_Setup.exe installation file.

  • Trust the digital signature applied to VBE_Extras - before installing, having extracted the VBE_Extras_Setup.exe installation file, right click on it, select Properties then Digital Signatures ... you will see details of the digital signature certificate issued to me by Sectigo who are "the world's largest commercial Certificate Authority" ... they trust me so hopefully you can too!

  • Trust the fact that when VBE_Extras is being installed, you will see that it does not trigger a Microsoft 'User Account Control' warning. Why? Because VBE_Extras does not need to access sensitive areas on your device and so does not need 'administrator' permissions to install ... however, the installation may trigger other warnings (depending on your settings, which anti-virus software you use and on the number of new downloads of the same version of VBE_Extras - some anti-virus software, including Microsoft Defender, uses "reputation-based protection" which means the number of times that a unique piece of software has been downloaded is a factor in whether warnings are shown ... so downloading a recently-published version of VBE_Extras is more likely to trigger warnings)

  • Trust my presence on the internet - check out my Upwork and StackOverflow profiles (click the icons in the footer of this web page) ... I'm a genuine VBA developer trusted by clients to build safe solutions for them.


If you still have questions or concerns, please contact me:

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