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  • John

VBE_Extras is here!

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

VBE_Extras is an AddIn for the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) within Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint. It is designed to make coding with VBA quicker, simpler and less bug-prone.

VBE_Extras main menu sample

It does this by adding functionality to the VBE including:

Declarations and references

  • Display all declarations in a particular Procedure/Property, Module or Project

  • Display the declaration for any reference of that declarations

  • Display all references of a declaration

  • VBE_Extras works with all type of declarations: Variables, Procedures, Properties, Modules, Enums, Types, Controls etc

  • As well as just displaying declarations and references, VBE_Extras can navigate you to the declaration (from any reference) or to any reference (from the declaration or from any other reference) including go to the next/previous reference

  • And as well as displaying and navigating, VBE_Extras can rename the declaration and all of its references … this isn't just a re-packaged Find/Replace … VBE_Extras can handle declarations with the same name in the same scope (see the user guide section "Declarations with the same name in the same scope" for more info)

  • For a declaration, highlight the declaration and all references on screen.

Tasks (TODOs)​

  • Show all tasks matching user-defined text criteria

Cursor management / Sub to run​

  • Set a cursor position to jump back to following running or compiling code (sometimes you don't want the VBE just moving your cursor to another line … or another Module, right!?) when running or compiling your code

  • Set a 'Sub to run' that you then don't have to manually locate before pressing F5 (code in one place, run code from another) … optionally automatically clear, or jump to the end of, the Immediate window before the code is run

  • Cursor history - want to jump back to where your cursor was previously? Or before that, or before that? And then jump forward again? VBE_Extras does that.


  • Edit Module-header attributes without manually exporting and re-importing the Module

  • Module picker … jump to the last-viewed Module, or any other Module, will simple keyboard shortcuts

  • More functionality being added regularly

Try it now (for free)!

Read more here including links to videos of VBE_Extras in action, the user help guide and how to download VBE_Extras.



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