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  • John

Using mouse clicks to navigate VBA code in the VBE

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Would you like to:

  • Jump to the declaration from a reference by clicking on the reference with the mouse (with the Ctrl key held down)

  • See a dialog with a list of all references for a declaration (any type of declaration ... variables, procedures, properties, modules etc … any declaration) by clicking on the declaration with the mouse (with the Ctrl key held down) … then you can then select the reference you want to jump to

  • See a dialog with a list of all matching literal values (Strings, numerics, dates) by clicking on any one of the values with the mouse (with the Ctrl key held down) … then you can then select the matching literal value you want to jump to

  • Highlight references (those that are visible in the code pane) for a specific declaration by clicking on the declaration or any reference of the declaration (with the Alt key held down)

Then try out VBE_Extras. For a demo of 'highlight references', see the video.



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