VBE_Extras adds a whole load of functionality (see What is VBE_Extras) to the standard VBE. But sometimes, rather than the major areas of functionality, it's just the little things that it does that make me smile. Here's an example.
Sometimes you've written some code and realise that a line is (or lines are) out of order. You just want to move that line (or lines) up or down. So the process is:
Select the entire line (or lines) you want to move
Move cursor to insertion point
Or, if you have VBE_Extras, the process is:
Put the cursor anywhere in the line (or lines) you want to move
Press Alt + Up arrow (to move the line up) or Alt + Down arrow (to move the line down)

That's two whole steps less. Makes me smile!
To be fair, you have to press Alt + Up arrow or Alt + Down arrow each time you want to move the line(s) up or down by 1 line. But still makes me smile.
By default, this functionality operates on entire 'logical lines' (i.e. if a line of code is made up of multiple 'physical lines' that are joined together by way of line continuations, then it will move the entire logical line ... and if the logical lines within a procedure have line numbers and the line is being moved within a procedure, then the line numbers will be maintained in the original order while the code itself is moved up or down). If you don't like that behaviour and would rather only individual physical lines are moved then uncheck the 'Move line(s) up/down expands' setting in the 'Other' tab of the VBE_Extras Settings dialog.