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Sometimes it's just the little things - #2: AutoText - assignment


VBE_Extras adds a whole load of functionality (see What is VBE_Extras) to the standard VBE. But sometimes, rather than the major areas of functionality, it's just the little things that it does that make me smile. Here's an example.

When I'm creating a Function or Property Get, I want to assign its return value and sometimes I don't remember what I initially called it and its declaration line has scrolled off the top of the screen. Other times, I'm just feeling too lazy to type its whole name out.

So, using the AutoText functionality of VBE_Extras, I just type an "=" then press Tab, Return or Enter (which you use depends on the selection you have made in the AutoText tab of VBE_Extras Settings dialog ... you also need to enable 'Function and Property Get assignment from ='), and the hard work is done for me.

AutoText - assignment

As you can see, it will include the Set keyword if it is required based on the value type being returned. And if you have multiple lines assigning the return value, that's fine ... you can use this multiple times within a single Function or Property Get.

Saves me keystrokes. Makes me smile.


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