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All downloads on this website are designed for Windows ... they won't work on macOS. Unless it says otherwise for a particular download, they are tested on Office 2013 to 365 ... they may work on Office 2010 ... they won't work on Office 2007 or older!


Files you download from this website are 'zipped' - you can use any standard unzipping tool to extract the contained files.


IMPORTANT - CODE MAY NOT RUN IN BLOCKED FILES: Once extracted, depending on your device settings, the file will initially be 'blocked'. To unblock, right-click on the file and select 'Properties' then tick the 'Unblock' box at the bottom of the dialog (see image) then click on OK (if there is no 'Unblock' box then the file is not blocked and you're good to go).


Need help with installing an AddIn in Excel, Word, PowerPoint or Outlook? Can't find the 'AddIns', 'StartUp' or 'Templates' folders? Not sure which AddIns you have installed? See my blog post Installing and updating Add-ins or check out the AddIn Assistant.


All downloads come with absolutely no warranty! By downloading and/or running the downloads, you are agreeing to the terms of the licence.


You are welcome to make a donation via PayPal if you find these downloads helpful ... 


File Properties dialog - before unblocking
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Mandelbrot Set viewer


What is it: Excel workbook with optional C# library


What does it do: Displays the Mandelbrot Set ... like this ...

C Sharp
Mandelbrot Set
Mandelbrot Set
Excel logo

... if you don't know what the Mandelbrot Set is, see this Wikipedia article. This download serves no real practical purpose other than to demonstrate how much faster C# code runs compared to VBA code, it features in my 'Calling C# code from VBA (COM interop)' blog post .


How to get it: Ensure you have .NET Framework 4.8 installed (it is installed by default with Windows 10 and 11). Download the file, unblock it (see Downloads above if you're not sure how to unblock a downloaded file), unzip it.


How to use it: Read the 'READ ME.txt' file. Installing the C# library is optional.


First added: 27th October 2022

FaceIds generator


What is it: Excel workbook


What does it do: Displays FaceIds, 1000 at a time ... like this ...

Excel logo
Face Ids

How to get it: Download the file, unblock it (see Downloads above if you're not sure how to unblock a downloaded file), unzip it.


How to use it: Open the Workbook, click the 'Click me' button, select an initial range of 1000 FaceIds to show, then use the Previous and Next buttons to move to other ranges of FaceIds. Hover over a FaceId to see its number or click on a FaceId to copy its number to the clipboard. For more info, see the VBA and FaceIds blog post.


First added: 10th August 2022; last updated 18th January 2023



What is it: COM Library


What does it do: VbaList is a COM library accessible from VBA. It provides two 'List' collections, one for Strings and one for any type of Object, usable from VBA code in any VBA-enabled application (including Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint) ... similar to a List<string> or List<object> in C#.


Both the String and Object version of VbaList include a large number of methods not available when using Arrays or Collections making them much simpler to use and improving your productivity when writing VBA code. Example methods are: Sort, Reverse, IndexOf, LastIndexOf, Contains, GetAsText, MakeUnique.


How to get it: Download the VbaList_Setup file, unblock it (see Downloads above if you're not sure how to unblock a downloaded file), unzip it.


How to use it: For information on how to use VbaList, with examples, see the VbaList page.


First added: 8th February 2022

C Sharp
Microsoft Office logos

AddIn Assistant


What is it: Excel Workbook


What does it do:

  • Supports installing and uninstalling Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook AddIns (aka 'Global Templates' in Word)

  • List all installed AddIns for Excel, Word and PowerPoint

  • Open and create shortcuts to the 'AddIns' (for Excel and PowerPoint AddIns), 'StartUp' (for Word AddIns) and 'Outlook' (for Outlook AddIns) folders

  • Open and create shortcuts to the Excel, Word and PowerPoint personal Templates folder(s)


How to get it: Download the AddIn file, unblock it (see Downloads above if you're not sure how to unblock a downloaded file), unzip it.


How to use it: Open the Workbook. Detailed 'how to' instructions are included in the Workbook ... click on the relevant tab!


First added: 18th August 2021; last updated 9th August 2022

Excel logo
AddIn Assistant

Unique Values AddIn


What is it: Excel AddIn


What does it do: Extract the unique values from the selected cells and load them into the column to the right. You must select more than one cell all within a single column.


How to get it: Download the Unique Values file, unblock it (see Downloads above if you're not sure how to unblock a downloaded file), unzip it.


How to use it: It's an Excel AddIn ... it needs installing: see my blog post Installing and updating Add-ins or check out the AddIn AssistantOnce installed, a 'Unique Values' button is added to the 'Add-ins' tab of the Excel ribbon


First added: 18th August 2021; last updated: 9th August 2022

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