Dynamically loading a DLL "on-the-fly"
Calling the members of a dynamic-link library (DLL, in a .dll file), from VBA code, without having to first (separately) register that DLL.
Dynamically loading a DLL "on-the-fly"
VBE_Extras: Command Search and Find Setting
Compare VBA Modules
Working with the Registry using VBA (the 'wider' Registry: the HKCU, HKCR and HKLM hives)
Working with the Registry using VBA (the 'VB and VBA Program Settings' key)
Navigating between VBA code and Shapes, Tables and Names in Excel
VBA extensibility – using VBA to add new functionality to the VBE
Running code in one place when you're editing code in another ...
Working with files and folders in VBA
Mandelbrot Set viewer - VBA vs C#